4006 Mixed-use Residential Block
The redevelopment of the Wonder Café and Grill site including demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of a new mix used building. The scheme now includes 13 residential units and two A1 retail units with associated car parking provision. The proposed building is of a high quality design and will make a positive contribution to the location and surrounding area. The building has been positioned away from neighbouring properties and its height and bulk has been reduced to minimise its impact. The building accommodates 13 residential units without appearing overbearing within the surrounding area or having a detrimental impact
upon the amenities of adjoining occupiers by reason of loss of light, privacy, or outlook. The proposal would provide 20 car parking spaces. This results in a ratio of 1:1.5 car parking spaces in accordance with the Council’s parking standards. 26 long stay cycle parking spaces are provided in accordance with the Hillingdon cycle parking standards provision as well as number of short stay cycle parking spaces.